
Telegram Bot

What can this bot do?

BOT can help you to interact with KST via mobile on Telegram. Just run below commands to search KST from telegram app.


/q <query> - To lookup the dictionary from a group (Eg: /q राम)

/f <feedback> - To share feedback about me and dictionary. (Eg: /f nice)

/start (or) /help - About/Help on Bot

How to use?

1. Click on Start button above. or Search on telegram for @KoshaSanskritTodayBot or @KST and click. Let the telegram app open as below. Then click on 'Start' button below.

2. Yes, You would see welcome message as below. Now ready to go.

3. You can direclty type the word you like to search for like below 'राम'. It would show all possible entries with given query.

4. Click on specific word entry and choose the dictionary you like to view

5. Yes. here you go.

How to do with Groups, Channels?

You can add this bot to any telegram Group / Channel and it can respond to queries from other members.

For query lookup, you need to use from group

/q <query>

Share your feedback

Please let us know the feedback like enhancements, bugs, any other info about bot and dictionary via the command

/f message